With COVID-19 wreaking havoc on our sense of normalcy and banning public gatherings, Pride 2020 will be missing the amazing parades and street parties that we all love. But you can still show your Pride and celebrate with those you love! Here are some ways to stay safe but keep the fun in Pride Month including some of our favorite toys!
How to Keep Pride Alive during the Pandemic
Share your favorite photos from past Pride celebrations using #LELOVirtualPride. @lelo_official will be sharing the best photos all month.
Learn about the history of Pride which started as a protest. Find a way to stand in solidarity with others who are facing oppression and injustice right now.
All Swirl formulations start with the original Naturals H2O water-based lubricant and add flavoring and a hint of aspartame to sweeten so that they never cause yeast infections or UTIs.